NKOA 2009-2010

NKOA 2009-2010

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

2nd Annual Winter Fun Day

Today we had fun playing in the snow and sledding at our 2nd Annual Winter Fun Day (i.e. sledding party). We spent several hours doing some "extreme sledding" that was worthy of video tape, especially when Bryar hit a jump on her sled and landed upright on her feet! LOL! Our members had fun post-holing through the snow, building snow forts, and dodging four legged friends on the way down the hill. We had great weather today, lots of fun and we all went home exhausted from the exercise! Here's to Winter!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Sledding Party

NKOA's theme this month is Outdoor Recreation. So this past Wednesday we went sledding on the hill near the Lisbon Credit Union. It was very cold and windy but we braved the elements, had lots of fun and got plenty of exercise to boot.

Hard to believe that last year at this time there was no snow on the hill!!
Taking a break to enjoy some hot cocoa compliments of the Thompson family. Thanks again!!

Here is the hot cocoa monster that Tamra drew!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Owl Spotting

Check out this Barred Owl that Valerie spotted in her yard yesterday. A Barred Owl call sounds like, "Who Cooks for You? Who Cooks for You all?" How neat!
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