NKOA 2009-2010

NKOA 2009-2010

Nature Crafts and Activities

Nature Crafts
NatureNetnews Crafts-Various craft ideas for each month

The Crafty Crow-Children's craft collective

Bird Seed Cakes

Make Your Own Butterfly Hatchery
Supplies Needed:
Corrugated cardboard box small enough for child to maneuver (with lid or top flap)
Vinyl screen cloth (found in hardware stores)
Cotton roping
Brads or paper fasteners
Self adhesive contact paper
Rubber bands
Masking Tape

Use a razor to cut out square openings on the front and two sides of your box. Leave about 1-2" wide around the openings. Stretch screen cloth around the three openings using masking tape to hold. Cover the inside and outside of the box (not the openings) with contact paper. Add a brad to the top of the lid and another brad to the back of the box so you can keep the top closed by joining a rubber band around each brad. Children can decorate their box any way they wish.

If you are lucky enough to find a cocoon or butterfly during your nature walks, bring it into your box along with a piece of the plant you found it on. You can put a cotton ball soaked with honey in the cage for food. Do not keep your butterfly for too long - just a day or so to enjoy.

Larvae can also be mail ordered and hatched in this box. Check the internet for sources.

Craft Ideas
Observation Bucket

Pounded Flower Prints

Rock Turtles

Seashell Critters

Sun Prints
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