Other exhibits we visited:
Maine Geological Survey Activites, U.S. Geological Survey Water Resources, Enviroscape by Poland Spring Bottling Co., Cool it! by Ferry Beach Ecology School, Geology Adventure by Tony Sohns, The Rock & Art Shop, Maine's Quarry Industry by Pike Industries, Elecitricity from the Sun & Wind by Maine Energy Education Assocition, Manufacturing Portland Cement by Dragon Products Co., Extreme Weather by WMTW-TV Meteoroligist Roger Griswold, It's Found Underground by Maine Department of Enviromental Protection, Ice Age Finds In Maine & Maine State Museum Archaeology by the Maine State Museum.
After the presentations we continued exploring the Museum which offers an abundant source of EXCELLENT education. The Museum offers free workshops that are available to individual families as well as small groups. Click here to view the free programs available to you! http://www.maine.gov/museum/programs/groups.html
The time passed very quickly, as usual! There was so much to see and do at the Museum, we look forward to future visits!