NKOA 2009-2010

NKOA 2009-2010

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Gardening with Children

Despite Wednesday's drizzly weather NKOA had a great visit to Lots To Gardens Wood St Service Garden. Both parents and children got a chance to play in the dirt and plant garlic cloves. The children were mesmerized by the growth happening in the greenhouse; and spent quite a bit of time touching and observing all the worms in the wet soil. We will definitely be visiting Lots to Gardens again...hopefully next Spring so that we can see all the garlic that we planted!

To see more photos visit the NKOA Lots to Garden Visit Album

For anyone who would like to know more about the Lots to Gardens program here is a video about their efforts in the local area:

Another great way to learn more about locally grown vegetables is to visit your local farmer's market. Lots to Gardens is a large contributer to the Lewiston Farmer's Market.
Here is an additional resource if you would like to learn more about gardening with children:

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