NKOA 2009-2010
Friday, December 3, 2010
NKOA's Online Fundraiser
Club t-shirts/patches
Field Days/Outings
Craft and other supplies
attending Bryant Pond Camp
Please help us reach our goal and do some Holiday shopping at the same time!
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Wanted: Empty Laundry Detergent Bottles
NKOA's 2009-2010 Recap
9/9 First Meeting, Lisbon Ext
9/16 Thorncraig Hike, Lewiston
9/23 Nature Craft, Lisbon Ext
9/30 Lots to Gardens, Lewiston
10/7 Playing with the Harvest, Lisbon Ext
10/14 Pettengill Woods Hike, Auburn
10/21 Earth Science Day, Maine State Museum, Augusta
10/28 Mt Apatite, Auburn
11/4 Rock Crafts/Lip Balm, Lisbon Ext
11/11 Barker Mill Trail Cleanup, Auburn
11/18 Rockin' T Equine Rescue, Lisbon Falls
11/20 4-H Achievement Night
11/28 Bake Sale @ Tractor Supply, Lewiston
12/2 Paper Making, Lisbon Ext
12/16 Holiday Party
1/6/10 Insect & Butterfly Museum Visit, Lisbon
1/13 Winter Fun Day, Sabattus
1/20 Outdoor Safety Skills
1/27 Thorncrag, Lewiston
2/3 Animals in Winter, Lisbon Ext
2/10 Beaver Park, Lisbon
2/17 Valentine's Party, Lisbon EXT
3/3 Cold Frames/Starting Seeds
3/10 Signs of Spring, Lake Auburn
3/24 Greater Androscoggin Human Society, Lewiston
3/31: Project Discussion, Seedlings
4/7 Thorncrag, Lewiston
4/14 Thorncrag-Hiked to Whale Rock
4/21 Casella Recycling, Scarborough
4/28 Recycled Creations, Lisbon Ext
5/5 Barker Mill Trail Cleanup, Auburn
5/12 Letterboxing/Hike, Pettengill Woods, Auburn
5/26 Lots To Garden's Wood St Garden, Lewiston
6/2 Fitness Day, Beaver Park, Lisbon
6/9 Club Garden, Sabattus
6/16 Club Garden, Sabattus
6/30 Club Garden, Sabattus
7/7 Club Garden, Sabattus
7/21 Club Garden, Sabattus
7/28 Club Garden, Sabattus
8/4 Meeting to Prepare for the Fair, Extension Office, Lisbon
8/5 Decorated Club Booth at Topsham Fair
8/10 NKOA Ran Kid's Games at the Topsham Fair
8/10-8/14 NKOA's Members Demonstrations at the Topsham Fair
8/15 Topsham Fair Cleanup Day/Cleaned up our Club Booth
8/18 Club Garden, Sabattus--Planning meeting for Nature Day
9/18 1st Annual Family Nature Day-Sabattus
Monday, September 13, 2010
1st Annual Family Nature Day
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Topsham Fair 2010
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
NKOA at the Topsham Fair
Friday, July 23, 2010
Car Wash Update
Full Buck Moon--July 25th
Sunday is the full Moon. Some Native American tribes referred to July’s full Moon as the Full Buck Moon, indicating the time when the bucks began growing new antlers.
This full Moon was also known as the Full Thunder Moon, because thunderstorms are so frequent during this month.
Credit: Farmersalmanac.com
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Summer Jr Engineering & Mathematics Program
FMI: www.mmsets.org
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
NKOA's Club Garden
Over the last three work sessions we have made raised beds and planted: potatoes, onions, carrots, tomatoes, pumpkin, watermelon, radishes, lettuce, nasturtiums, marigolds, popping corn, pole beans and various herbs. We've also transplanted a grape vine, blueberry bushes and raspberries. Next week we hope to transplant strawberries as well. It is all coming together and looks wonderful! Thank you to everyone who has helped transform the space!
Monday, June 28, 2010
How to Remove Attached Ticks
Maine 4-H Days Rock!!
"Arrive home a few hours ago from an amazing weekend at Maine 4H days. Arrived early Friday morning and stayed to the very end today!
I am very impressed! The entire event was so organized, the workshops for youth were amazing! It was a very relaxed and enjoyable environment! We loved the workshops, the planned activities in the evening, the animals, the families....made loads of new friends and reconnected with old ones! We were very comfortable at our site, you pick where you want to camp. I had 4 little ladies with me, I set up our camp REALLY close to the bathroom and main intersection to all the goings on! We had full use and access to the kitchen and the bathrooms had showers! Here is a list of the workshops we attended collectively:
Sensory Discovery Games
My Dirt is Alive
Water Rocketry
Ember Bowl Making
Shelter Building
Everyone Lives Downstream
Wild & Wonderful
New Sewers Wanted!
Wet Felting
Green & Growing Earth Buddies
Land Navigation
Modular Origami
Natural Skin Care & Spa
Besides all of the above (over 2 1/2 days) there was a Creativity Center set up for kids to visit if they needed a break or had some free time. The center was LOADED with art and crafts supplies that were there for full (no restrictive) use! Plus, kids were riding their bikes everywhere, hanging out and making new friends. There was an ice cream social (Gifford's Ice Cream with ALL the fix-ins,) a parade, silent auction and scavenger hunt!
I am very excited about next years event already and am hoping that more families will join in!
It was also incredibly cool to be camping out under that huge, bright, full moon last night!"
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Friday, June 25, 2010
Our Goals & Wishes
2. Ruck Sucks for each 4-H Member
3. NKOA T-Shirts/Patches
4. NKOA Letterboxes and Geocaches all around the state
5. NKOA created curriculum
6. NKOA stamp
7. More raised beds for club garden
8. An adopt-a-spot maintained by NKOA
9. Bring club to Bryant Pond 4-H Camp
10. Once a month county wide hikes with other 4-H families
11. Camp at Swan Island
12. GPS for club/compasses for each member
13. Critters of Maine guides for each member
14. Trees of Maine guides for each member
15. A lending library with books, guides, thematic tote bags
16. NKOA Nature calendars
17. Annual Family Nature Day
18. Annual Nature Camp
Thursday, June 24, 2010
The Reason for the Seasons
Monday, June 21, 2010
Summer Solstice
The solstice is the time when the Sun reaches its farthest point north of the equator. This year, it occurs on Monday, the 21st, at 7:28 A.M. EDT.
The word “solstice” comes from the Latin sol (Sun) and stitium (to stop), reflecting the fact that the Sun appears to stop at this time (and again at the winter solstice).
Here is a short video about the sun:
For Summer craft ideas please check out the links on the right-hand side of our blog! Have a great summer!
Monday, June 14, 2010
Thursday, June 10, 2010
NKOA's 1st Car Wash Fundraiser 7/24!
NKOA's 1st Car Wash Fundraiser
at Tractor Supply on Lisbon Street in Lewiston
on Saturday, July 24th from 11am-3pm!!
Please bring your vehicles by!! Also don't forget to stop into Tractor Supply who are graciously letting us use their water and space!
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
June: Full Strawberry Moon
On June 26th look for the Full Strawberry Moon because it is a wonderful time of year to gather ripened strawberries!
To find a Pick-Your-Own farm in Maine check out this link!
Here is a video on how to grow your own strawberries!
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Help Maine 4-H Power of the Wind Win $50,000!
Here is a video to learn more about 4-H Power of the Wind!
Friday, May 14, 2010
May: Full Flower Moon
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Letterboxing Fun
After our first Letterboxing experience we have since learned from more experienced Letterboxers that we made a few gaffes. First, we used a coffee can instead of a waterproof container. So we will need to exchange that metal can for a tight-sealing Tupperwear. Second, we did not leave a stamp in our Letterbox. A Letterbox should contain a stamp that represents us. Since we are a nature-based group we should have a stamp that reflects that. I believe that someone took pity on us and left a stamp for people to use. But we need to get to work either designing our own or will need to purchase one that reflects what we are about. We should also have a stamp pad in our Letterbox too. But since it was our first time we didn't do too bad if more experienced Letterboxers found it, right?
After scouring online to find a tutorial to show the process here is the best one that YouTube has about Letterboxing:
Also, if you want to design your own stamp here is a tutorial about that:
If you are looking for something fun to do this summer, please check out NKOA's Letterbox!
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Barker Mill Trail Cleanup
On May 5th several of our families got together to clean up the Barker Mill Trail in Auburn. The children and their parents clipped prickly bramble, picked up trash, raked, and had fun discovering the bulky waste on the hill beside the trail. Two unusual finds were a reclining chair and a boxing bag!
This was NKOA's second time cleaning up this very underused and undermaintained trail. We were able to get a little further down the trail this time, however we did discover it gets pretty murky in some areas. Eventually we hope to discover where this ellusive trail leads to, as we have yet been able to get very far down due to the overgrowth. But for now we are pretty proud of our efforts!
Despite the trash and brambles we all enjoyed the way the sun sparkled on the Little Androscoggin and the sounds of both the birds and the falls. It was a good day!
If you are looking for a community service project contact the L/A Trails System and tell them you would like to help clean up the Barker Mill Trail.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Coming in the Fall a Science and Technology 4-H Club
Joining NKOA
1st Annual Family Nature Day 2010
1st Annual Nature Day 2010
September 11th, 2010 (raindate September 18th)
at Beaver Park in Lisbon
Come enjoy nature with your other 4-Hers in Androscoggin and Sagadahoc county!
This will be a family-friendly event!
If you have any suggestions please let us know?
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Visions for the Future: A Nature Playground
If we would like to send in any supplementary material to accompany our submission we can send in drawings, pictures and other items. If would be great to get some pictures from the kids with their ideas.
NKOA would also love to hear your ideas for this project!
Monday, April 12, 2010
Beaver Park Fishing Derby
Monday, March 29, 2010
Full Worm Moon & Earthworms
Full Worm Moon
According to the Farmer's Almanac March's Full Moon is the Full Worm Moon:
"As the temperature begins to warm and the ground begins to thaw, earthworm casts appear, heralding the return of the robins. The more northern tribes knew this Moon as the Full Crow Moon, when the cawing of crows signaled the end of winter; or the Full Crust Moon, because the snow cover becomes crusted from thawing by day and freezing at night. The Full Sap Moon, marking the time of tapping maple trees, is another variation. To the settlers, it was also known as the Lenten Moon, and was considered to be the last full Moon of winter."
Did You Know...Earthworms
Credit: Earthworms (2003). [Online], Available: www.kidcyber.com.au
- Earthworms live everywhere in the world where there is soil
- Earthworms eat as they burrow through the soil
- Earthworms do not have teeth
- Earthworms help make the soil healthy
- Earthworms lay eggs
- Worms are food for animals and birds such as this kingfisher
There are about 2 700 species (different kinds) of earthworms around the world.
Earthworm bodies
Earthworms are invertebrates, which means they don't have backbones. Their soft bodies can be brown, pink or even red.
Did you know?
In the Philippines there are blue earthworms and one kind in the United Kingdom is green!
Earthworms have a brain, 5 hearts and parts inside their bodies which help them to breathe. The earthworm's body is covered with chemoreceptors (say kee-mow-ree-sep-tuz) which is how the worm tastes things. Chemoreceptors are tiny sense organs which detect chemicals in the soil.
Earthworm sizes
The smallest earthworms are about 1 centimetre long and the largest can be 4 metres long. One of the largest earthworms is the Giant Gippsland Earthworm, found in one part of Australia. There are large earthworms in South Africa too.
Earthworm Life Cycle Earthworms are hermaphrodites (say her-maff-row-die-ts). This means that each earthworm has male parts that produce sperm and female parts that produce eggs. All earthworms lay eggs.
When two earthworms mate, they lie together, and cover themselves in sticky mucus, and pass sperm into each other's body. The sperm makes the eggs inside each earthworm's body grow.
A thick ring of slime forms around each worm's body and as the earthworm wriggles forward, the ring with eggs inside it slips off and is left on the ground. The ring closes at both ends and becomes a hard cocoon that protects the eggs.
The eggs hatch after two weeks if the weather is warm, but they can take up to three months to hatch when it is cold. Usually one or two earthworms hatch out of each egg. The young worms are about 12 millimetres long and light pink in colour. Earthworms are able to mate when they are twelve months old.
How earthworms help soil and plants Earthworms dig large burrows which let water and air into the soil. This helps stop erosion and lets the water and air get down to the roots of plants. The burrows also helps plant roots to move more easily through the soil and into new spaces. Worms drag leaves and plant bits down into the earth. As they burrow, the worms swallow soil and eat the plant matter that is in it. The soil they swallow passes though the worm's body and is left in little piles on top of the ground. This is called castings and is excellent fertiliser (food for plants). People who farm worms do it to collect the castings to sell to gardeners.
Friday, March 26, 2010
NKOA's 2nd Bake Sale Saturday, April 3rd
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Our visit to the Greater Androscoggin Humane Society
Saturday, February 27, 2010
2nd Annual Potluck Meet & Greet
Tuesday, March 2nd, 6:00 p.m.-8:30pm
And/Sag Extension Office
Bring a favorite dish to share with your fellow 4-H’ers and families.
We will be brainstorming ideas for the upcoming year. Parents please bring your calendars ☺
We hope to see YOU there!
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Beaver Park and Milk Jug Bird Feeders
After our cold-weather walk we ventured to the park's garage where the kids enjoyed making their own trail mix while we warmed up by the fire. After snacking we got busy making milk jug bird feeders. The children were very creative with their feeders and were eager to have embellishments hot glued to their feeders.
Here is a tutorial of how to make a milk jug bird feeder.
Click here to see pictures from our visit to Beaver Park.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Kid's Ice Fishing Derby
**All 4-H kids who show up wearing a clover will receive a brand new ice fishing trap!**
There will be a fishing competition, fun games for the kids to play while their traps are working, and fabulous baked treats baked by club leaders!
Parents do not need to have a fishing license, but if you do not another licensed adult on site can handle the fish for you.
If you are interested in registering please let Tamra know so she can get a registration form for you. tamra_hartley@yahoo.com
Honorary Pages Needed for UMaine Day at the Legislature
UMaine Day at the Legislature, Thursday, March 11th, is quickly approaching. Since legislators like to see 4-H members from their districts, 4-Hers (recommended age 13 or older) are encouraged to serve as Honorary Pages. The Maine 4-H program has reserved [25] spots for Honorary Pages.
What does a Page do?
Pages hand out information to Representatives or Senators or place the paper information on their desks. They also hand phone and other messages to Representatives and Senators on the floor.
To learn more about what Honorary Pages do, visit the website listed at the end of this article. If you are interested in serving as a page on [March 11th], please contact Kristy Ouellete in Androscoggin & Sagadahoc Counties at 353-5550 or 1-800-287-1458, or kmeisner@umext.maine.edu. She will be serving as the coordinator of the 2010 program.
We will attempt to have pages from different parts of the state. Slots, representing different state senators and representatives, will be filled in the order they are received. If the slot for your legislative district has been filled, your name will be added to a wait list in the order it is received. If you are leaving a message, please be sure to say “I am interested in serving as a 4-H Page at the Legislature on [March 11th]”.
Your slot will be reserved if you leave this complete information:
- full name
- age
- mailing address
- county
- phone number
- email address
- name of your school
- grade in school
- name of your 4-H Club
- name of your Maine State Representative
- name of your Maine State Senator
4-H Honorary Pages will be in the Capitol from 8:30am – 3:00pm. A parent or 4-H volunteer provides transportation and chaperoning. For a complete list of expectations and duties, visit the 4-H Honorary Page Program webpage at www.umext.maine.edu/Waldo/4H/Pages.
Mark Your Calendars: 2010 Maine 4-H Days
2010 Maine 4-H Days will take place June 25, 26, 27, 2010!
Maine 4-H Day is an annual event sponsored by the Pine Tree State 4-H Foundation, with animal and enrichment tracks for all age groups. It takes place every summer at the Windsor Fairgrounds.
Just a few of the enrichment activities that have been offered in the past:
Physics Roadshow
Zumba Dancing
Lego Robots
Digital Photography
Working with GPS
And much, much more!
If you're interested in volunteering, or have any track suggestions - please contact the State 4-H Office - at 207-581-3877, or jbrainerd@umext.maine.edu
We look forward to seeing you in 2010!
Winter Outdoor Survival Weekend
Operation Military Kids/4-H Weekend
Sponsored by Operation Military Kids and the University of Maine Cooperative Extension
Learn the survival skills everyone who lives in Maine should know! Have fun and meet new friends!
Open to youth ages 13-18
Cost $30
Saturday, February 13th to Monday, February 15th
Program will begin at 10:00 AM on Saturday and end on Monday at 2:00 PM
(Maine 4-H is working on transportation options)
Teachers: Bryant Pond University of Maine Educators and Staff
The program will be held at the University of Maine 4-H Camp and Learning Center at Bryant Pond
Come and experience the beauty and thrill of the Maine woods in winter. Learn valuable winter survival skills like how to build fire without matches, build a snow shelter and sleep in it, cook over an open fire, understand what to do if you fall through the ice, animal tracking, water purification, survival kits, ice fishing and much more!
Please mail the registration/health form and payment to the Kennebec County Extension Office, 125 State Street, 3rd Floor, Augusta, Maine 04330-5692
Questions?? Call Karen 1-800-287-1481 or Susan 1-800-287-1482, 665-2068
Registration/Health Form (PDF - for printing)
Photo Release Form (PDF - for printing)
For more information on educational programs in your area, contact your county Extension office.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Winter Fun Day!
We had a firepit safely tended by Mr. Hartley, many roasted marshmellows were enjoyed! A warm house tended by Mrs. Hartley, although not many took advantage of the warm indoors, it was a welcoming spot to be!
Thanks to everyone for bringing delicious treats & for making the day a memorable one!
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Photos ~ Bugs!
Reminder; when you are finished viewing the pictures and would like to return to the blog, click - LINKS - in the left hand side bar & choose RETURN TO BLOG.
Did You Know...
A: Eating. He can't graze like a cow - his neck is too short and his legs are too long - so he has to kneel to eat.
Q: If it has one horn, it's from Africa; if it has two horns, it's from India. What is it?
A: A rhino.
Q: Dogs are color-blind when it comes to seeing green and red, so how do seeing-eye does tell the difference between a red traffic light and a green one?
A: They don't. Instead, they watch the flow of traffic to see when it's safe to cross.
Q: Are zebra's white with black stripes or vica versa?
A: Scientists are still arguing about it.
~ When cheetahas run, they appear to be flying because most of the time all four feet are off the ground.
~ Snow leopards who live in the Himalayan mountains have such long tails that they can wrap themselves in them for warmth.
~ A black panther isn't a separate species: It's simply a jaguar, leopard, or puma that's black.